Sunday, June 22, 2008

Finally a few visual highlights of our trip thus far

The road to Adoteiman. About a 45 minute walk from the trotro station to home. Absolutely beautiful view! You can see the Akuapm (not sure of spelling) Escarpment, or 'mountains' as they were called in town in the distance. At the top is where we went for our bike ride.

On our bike trip through the rain forest. So difficult to capture the beauty on camera!

This is the dump in Medina (a town close to Adoteiman). Do it make you want to eat beef?

In Adoteiman, our sister Maame taught us to prepare a few great Ghanaian meals. Here, they are cutting the onions and about to grind them in the mortar and pestal to make tomato stew. You can see to the right the pot on the charcoal fire that is boiling yams (bairre ampesi - my favourite).

This was a shot of around town in Bawjiase (the second town we stayed in).

A view of Elmina harbour taken on our weekend trip to west.

The town we most recently stayed in, called Mpeseduadze (mmm-PEH-say-doo-AH-jey).

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Great photos. Thanks for the post. It is good to hear that you guys are still doing well. Continue to enjoy your time.