Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We are sorry-oh!

On Monday, we finished in Adoteiman and decided to move to Bawjiase, a town about an hour drive from Accra. I must echo Lindsay's comments about people here being so friendly; trotros and trotro drivers are some of my favourite people in Ghana! They'll ask you where you are going and even if you aren't taking their trotro they will make sure you get to the right one, escort you to it and let that driver know your destination. All you have to do is tell everyone your name and say Medasi (thank you in Twi) and they like you. And trotros are so great to travel in, I could sit in one the whole day. I love looking out the window to see all the sites. Every time we pass a new town I think "This is Ghana", like a farming town with mangos everywhere, but then we pass a totally different place with mud huts and fire pits, and then we pass apartment buildings while beautiful stone porches. So things here are varied, everything is such a contrast.

I am in a small Internet cafe that is very slow and I have a 5 guys behind me reading everything I am typing so I will keep it short but I must tell the story of our trotro ride on Monday. While we were sitting enjoying the views on the highway, I heard a snap, and then felt wind behind me. We I turned around, the trunk, or the "boot" of the trotro had opened and my bag, my huge backpacking pack with all of my possessions was about 100 metres behind us! After a few seconds, the driver stopped and we ran back to check out the damage. Luckily, only one pocket had ripped open. The contents of the pocket, namely suncreen, bug spray and all of my feminine hygiene products were then sprawled all over the highway, and the driver and mate (the person in the trotro that collects the money) were running around collecting them all. We eventually got the bag back in the boot and this time, I made them tie the trunk shut so that it couldn't fly open again! The guys felt very badly and the people on the trotro were pretty mad at them but Linds and I thought it was pretty funny. At least it makes for a good story!

I'll have to leave now, but I love hearing from you and miss you all!
Hope things are great in Canada!

Love Amy

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