Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"Oh, Good! You've Gained Weight!"

Atree/Dingli/Ma Kye,

to which you would reply


depending on whether you were speaking Dagbani, Kassena, or Twi. As for the remaining dozens of Ghanaian languages, I'm still in the dark. Josh and I are back from five days in the very north of this beautiful counrtry, doing the last of our required "field work" for our internship. I have come to realize that Ghana is as diverse as Canada in terms of lanscape, geology, and crops, and more diverse in terms of people and languages.

The north is VERY different from the southern part of the country. It is also generally much poorer, as was made clear to me while conducting surveys in three small communities. Unfortunately, in true blogging manner, I'm going to gloss over the profound, difficult, and unbeleivable things I saw and learned while on my latest travels, and jump right to the ridiculous pictures. However, none of you are off the hook for long emails and future discussions about everything my mind is filled with!

Our friend and Project Officer, who we traveled to the north with, took us to one of his favourite places - the Paga crocodile pond. The pictures are exactly what they look like. Yes, I'm sitting on a crocodile. A live, massive, 97-yr-old mother crocodile who was hungrily eyeing the live chicken we had to buy for it.

Who knew?

Too much love,



Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures. Can't believe you were that close to a crocodile.

Anonymous said...

Thats incredible Lindsay! I dont think you'll get many chances in life to do that again. Miss you & hope you are doing well! xox